H-E-L-L-OOOOOOO bloggie! Long time no see lah! This few days really busy in assignment coz l need to finish it before my mum comes to Melbourne! l need to spend more time with her! hehe...well, l turned FAT! FAT!! l cant accept this truth! l know l ate too much on last Sunday at Crown. Ate cheese cake NON-STOP! First time l didnt bother abt my weight and kept eating CHEESE CAKE! It was really very delicious! but it made me really really fat!!! l tried to go on diet but fail...too badddd! l wish that there is a cardio class in Melbourne urghhh...
Assignmentsss! u really made me angry and crazy especially pure math! Teacher gave us 4 problems to solve. hmmm...l did problem 1. But problem 2 really made me crazy! l did many answers by using different type of solution! Which solution should l use and which answer is correct??!! OMG!! This project worth 10% in my test! l have no idea to do pure math! Last year my add math project was copied from internet coz teacher advise us not to use too much time to solve those question and focus more in real SPM. This time l cant copy from internet coz there are no solution in internet! Oh man! Someone please help me!
Yesterday and this Wednesday are my mum and dad's birthday! So sad l cant celebrate with them all this year. *tears* l really cry last Sunday when l was thinking abt those days in Sibu. Sweet memories with babes and family! l miss the days in Sibu, at home l have kakak to help me cleaning my house and l need not to do anything at home. After l came back home l have food on the table. After l came to Melbourne, l need to cook myself clean myself and do all the grocery myself. l still need to find time to do my revision and homework too. l learned many things since l came to Melbourne. Melbourne is really a great place to play and study but not permanent live. l hate living in the city because of the air pollution and stress. Everyday my desk is full of dust. So stress to live in the city. Crazy room rental and boring life after school. After 5.30pm, it starts to turn dark and it's time to go home coz it is not safe to walk alone on the street. Almost all of the people on road smoke. l hate people smoking! l like Sibu better =( After l finish my Uni in Melbourne l wish to go back to Malaysia to work. l like and LOVE Malaysia *Wink*
l will try my best to update my blog every 2 days. l want to save all my memories inside my bloggie! Annyeong =)