EASTER HOLIDAY MOOD *ON* l have 1 and the half week holiday! Woohoo!! But mid term test is waiting for me! I have my mid term test after the holiday break! Awww...it ruined my holiday mood =(
Today l followed my church to HANGING ROCK! Teehee! I woke up at 6.30am. I checked my phone. Eh? There was a test message from Vincent. He said that he will come and pick me at 6.35am. 5 minutes for me to prepare??!! Omg!! I ran into the toilet, bath and brushed my teeth as fast as l can. When l finish prepared, l ran out from Unilodge. Ee? No car outside it? Hmmm...l called Vincent but he didnt answer my phone. I scare that he was angry of me and already drove away. So l have to walk to Penny's apartment. On my way to there, l recieve a message from Vincent 'sorry wrong, l pick u at 7.30am.' wrong message? Haizz...l almost reached Penny there! Lol. I used almost 30 minutes to reach there coz my map was not functioned. == but l m still the earliest one.
We departed from Penny's apartment at 8.30am. We used 1 hour and 30 minutes to reach Memorial Cross. There was no picnic place for us to have our breakfast so we went to Memorial Cross first before we start our trip to Hanging Rock. The wind was so strong in this morning. My nose felt pain again aww... Memorial Cross is a big cross. Do u see the photo above? That is the Memorial Cross. So huge!!! After that we took another 30 minutes to reach Hanging rock! The scenary was so beautiful when we reached the top of the mountain. We keep taking photo and made pose in it. We almost late for the bus lol. Quite a fun trip! I like it very much! Thanks church for organising this trip to there. =)
Today is my third day didnt contact with Boon. I felt very tired in this relationship. I controlled myself from finding him coz l have decide to let him find me first instead of me to find him. Yesterday he went to KL to continue his study. I holded my phone but dun have that courage to farewell him because of that decision. I feel regret to do so. This morning he had his registration at school. I wish l can ask him abt the registration day and who is his roomate. But l controlled myself. Sorry Boon, l made this decision and l trust God will help me to do this. If u r the right person, sure God will give me the things l want from u which is care and love. Boon, 11 days more. Dun make me regret again pls.
Don't let the sadness of your past and the fear of your future ruin the happiness of your present ♥
March 31, 2012
Hanging Rock trip!
March 29, 2012
This morning l had my pure math test. Walau! This time l was lazy doing my revision. I didnt study at all! I just revise on how to do the cubic function! I m so lazy and l know it. Teacher gave us 20 minutes to finish 6 questions. I finish it on the last minute lol. I wish l can get the marks l want.
Katherine asked me to meet her at noon in front of Student Union. I went there with Caroline. She didnt bring her lunch today so she came along with me. I thought it was a activity for the member of Student Union. When l reached there, l cant find Katherine. I called her and she told me that the event was inside the Student Union. I went inside. I just found out that the event was organised by Women's Club. Today's event was called 'Chatty Tuesday'. We talked abt some women's things and ate some biscuits. Quite a nice club for students to join.
Yesterday Katherine asked me to meet Harn today. I dunno why I was like a little bit scare to meet him again. Maybe that incident made me feel like no face to meet him. I waited for him in front of Hungry Jack. We went to the cafe near my school to meet Katherine. Maybe we were too early so she was not there yet. So we talked for a while and he showed me his photos. I heard from Katherine that there was a free coffee event at that cafe. But after we went into the cafe, there were only free coke and beers lol. After finish meeting Katherine, Harn and me had a seat in front of the library. He is my relationship tutor now lol. He asked me to give Boon a chance. Maybe Boon was busy in his study now. I wish Boon can care abt me more than l do but it seems like he just doesnt care abt all my things. When l told him l have settle all the things, he just said 'oic'. I wish he will ask more abt my studies and problem l face in here. But he made me so disappointed now. Now l am serious. If he doesnt find me in 2 weeks, l will break with him. I am too tired in this relationship...although l cant do it.
March 26, 2012
Thanks God for everything!
Thanks God for helping me to solve all my problems. Thanks Katherine too. Now my mood is very very good now. God planned all the things for me. This few days l commit all the things to God. I really feel helpless in all of the things happen on this few days. I hid my blog link from Facebook so that Harn will not read it coz l really write many things abt him in my blog. I have no courage to tell him l feel uncomfortable abt this. During recess time, l recieved a message from Harn. He said he feel sorry by doing this things to me. I was shocked! I hid all the things but why he know my blog link? He said Katherine message him out of sudden. He knew everything n apologized to me. Thanks Katherine! I feel better now. Harn and me still be friend and he wont do anything to me again. Thanks God answer my call again and again. Boon's things...maybe l should give more faith to him. Although l will hurt by him sometimes but l trust God will help me to change his mind. Boon, focus on ur study and get scholarship if possible. l wish u can go Tasmania study so that l can see u more often. Jia you bah! =) everything gt better because of u God. Thanks =)
Forget abt it
Normal day with cold weather. This morning l checked the weather report. What?! 8°C now?! OMG!! I put on my jacket and go to Carlton Library to return my books. Freezing and shivering all the way to library. My nose was so pain because of the cool weather. After that, l went back to home to prepare my school stuff and walked to school. I did my general math quiz badly =( l did wrong in simultaneous equation! The easiest question! Oh my goshhhhh...
After school he asked me to go out again. This time we went to memorial garden to have a walk. On the way to there, he kept laughing and l felt so surprise. He said that he was thinking abt underground relationship. Dunno what he laughed lol. We reached. Suddenly he hold my hand again ==. I pull away from it n said l dun want like this. I feel so sorry to boon. l just consider him as my friend and bro. Pls dun do like that to me. Today really very bad mood coz l m still fan nao abt the relationship between boon and me. I gt some comments from babes and friends. Thanks a lot. Now l decide to focus on my study and dun think too much abt it. Boon, pls pls care of me more. =(
March 24, 2012
Thanks God It's FRIDAY

Finally!!! FRIDAY! U r coming in the right time! I miss u FRIDAY!! Last day school day in a week, day to relax myself and have fun with my babe Joyce! WEEEEEEEEEE!!!! We took train to South Yarra. There was a western restaurant named 'TGIF'. TGIF is 'Thanks God It's Friday!' l ordered a beef chop with mashed potato. So nice and delicious!! After that we went to Easyway to have some drinks. Yeah!! I had a sleepover at Joyce's house!! We webcam Jacqueline!! Jacqueline still on her green mask when we webcam her. She said she need to wash her face before open her webcamera. Lol. We talked a lot but sometime we didnt have a topic to talk abt and we stopped. Gossiping until 2.00am lol.
I leave Joyce's house next morning coz l need to collect my freezer. Yeah l gt a new freezer! Finally l can buy a lot of things l want!! Teehee =D Fiesta Malaysia held at Argyle Square (behind my class building) from 23rd to 25th March. I hang out with my friends Josie Caroline Vincent and Kelvin to there! Wow! I miss Malaysia food a lot!! Roti canai, Char Kuoy Teow...but l like roti canai at Aloha Corner and Yummy Yummy Cafe one more than here's. Yesterday Josie pakat with me to wear leggings and high heels today. High heels made me crazy lol. My feet was so painful after walking for 1 and half hours. After it Vincent suggested to go drink something at Chinatown but l cant walked anymore with high heels. So l went back home to do some cleaning.
At night, Harn said that he wanna meet me. It was 8pm and l shocked. I dunno how to do because it already so late. Finally l decided to meet him n come back as early as l could. We met at Hungry Jack. He took me to have a walk at Yarra river. I am a half open minded and half close minded girl. He...tried to hold my hands and put his hands on my shoulder and waist. He knew l was cold and tried to make me warmer. He said that he wants to hug me. I was...l felt like so sorry to Ah boon at that moment but l cant do anything. Harn is a nice boy and he care of me in every single things. I dunno how to do now. Now l am still angry of Ah Boon coz he didnt care abt me and kept playing fb games. I thinked to break this relationship before. But l scared l choose the wrong decision. God, pls help me. I wish l can get a right decision from u. Boon, how should l do now?
March 22, 2012
Spm result!
Oh ya! Spm result was out yesterday. So sad l cant get my result by myself. It seems that everyone was back to get the result. 8 students from school got full A+ in SPM. Mr Yong must be very happy of it. Yesterday at 1.00pm, l called my mum but she didnt answer it. I was so nervous and finally she sms me that the result. Hmmm...It's not in my expectation but l appreciated. I did my English and Pmoral badly. I know my Eng is really really bad before l start writing my blog in English. Thanks God my English improved after it. I got 2A+ 3A 2A- 1B and 1B+. I thought my Chem can get A+ but l didnt. I had a cold on that day and l sneezed and coughed until l cant write anything. I tried to finish it all but unfortunately l didnt get A+ in Chemistry. But l know God helped me a lot and this is the maximum grade l can get in Spm. Thanks God!
Today after class l met a new friend. His name is Harn from KL. Katherine suggested me to add him in FB. Today is my first time meet up with him. We chatted for a while at cafeteria and we went to mentoring program after it. Mentoring program is a foundation program for foundation student to join. They will help us in communication skill and meet new friends in it. My mentor is Lamis. She is a nice mentor and she likes politics and gym. Another mentor was not around today because he had his test tomorrow. Well, nice to meet my group member and leader. They served junk food and cookies. I love OREO!! I havnt eat oreo since l came to Melb. I tried to find Oreo Mcflurry in Mcdonald but fail. I miss it!! Who can give me one? XD Btw, we had a short time meet up because some of the mentee had their things to do and they went back early. Awww...l wish l can meet them someday later.
I hate my eyebags! This few days l have a lot of problems until l cant sleep well. Some problems between me and him. Long distance relatioship...l hate it. I cant find things to talk to him. I wish l have but l dont have. He is going to KDU to study A level next week. Jia you ba. I need time to solve my problems. I know l m not a good gf. I hope l can know u better. Jia you Noobie!
生活像一個黑洞 吞蝕掉所有美夢
讓愛情的光澤 在現實中消磨
可是我知道你懂 在困難的背後
還有一萬種 堅持下去的理由
這地球天高地厚 陪你的是我
等你的是我 為你我想做更好的人
你完整了 我的靈魂
只想你了解 愛可以多深
你的完美 讓我來完成
我為你的 天堂開門
你不是我的神 卻給我一生
每一次爭辯太久 我比誰都還失落
是我不夠成熟 才不能讓你懂
如果我們都曾經 為彼此而難過
有什麼不能 一起執著一起過
時光它予取予求 卻證明有我
證明有永恆 為你我想做更好的人
你完整了 我的靈魂
只想你了解 愛可以多深
你的完美 讓我來完成
你是我心中 最好的人
我為你的 天堂開門
你不是我的神 卻給我一生
你讓我的宇宙沒有恨 你不是我的神 卻給了我一生
March 18, 2012
Church day+Busy but happy day =)

My mood is ok now. He also tried to find something to talk to me. But l still dunno the truth why he wants to do like this to me. But l really angry of it k? Grrrr... =(
Yesterday l went out with my mum's friend, Yong Hui. l told Uncle Yong Hui that l need a freezer now. So he took me to The Good Guy to look for it. Yeah! l bought one! It costs $270 with 3 years warranty. Yeah! Finally l gt one! l tried to find it for a long time. My fridge was too small and l wish l can buy a fish from grocery =P and he sent me to church.
When l reached my church my cousin sent a sms to me. He said he is not goinv to church today. Oh no! l need to go home by myself? And it finish at 9 something! hmm...Luckily Vincent can fetch me back home by his car. Thanks Vincent =) Yesterday night is. and we played games. We played 'Who is Jolin/Jay' They chose 4 ppl to become Jolin and Jay. So funny Leslie kept saying that he was Wang Li Hong XD. l laughed non-stop coz he was too funny lol. l feel that l am in a big family (CMYF) and everyone at there is my brothers and sisters. So happy that l can join it. I love CMYF always =)
Today was a really busy day. This morning l woke up at 7 and suddenly...'hey? when is my train come?' l forgt!! oh shit!! l need to reach at Glenferrie at 8.30am but l forgt when is the train come! l changed my clothes as fast as l can and l rushed to train station at 7.50am. l reached at train station at 8 am. phewww...train was 8.11am. l saw Penny on train. l took train by myself coz my cousin had his choir practice so he needs to go earlier. This was the first time l take train by myself. When l reached at Glenferrie, hey? where is Penny? l thought she was in the same train with me? l walked out from train station and l cant find the way to swinburne! == Every Sunday l follow my cousin to there and l cant remember the way to go. hmmm...so l simply chose a way. Finally l reached at swinburne on time. ee? Nobody there? Last night they told me they will reached at 8.30am right? l called Sing Shian and she said she just wake up. Finally vam reached at 8.45am. Scare me? LOL.
After church l went to Vic market with Camilia, Wei Ling, Amy and Sing Shian. But we cant find the thing we want. l went home at 2 and start having my rest. *toot* Joyce whatapps me. 'wanna meet up?' 'hmm..ok!' l woke up and prepared myself go out again. We went Vic market and bought some fruits. After that l went to Joyce's house camwhore =))) l left at 5 coz l need to meet Josie Caroline Vincent and Kelvin at Flinder street station.(so busy day). Today was Thai Festival. Wahhhhh!!! Thai food was awesome! l like it so much! coconut pancake!! So delicious!! After that we went to the playground nearby. Playing swing and kids things. Vincent climbed here and there look like a monkey XD. So high playing at there and other kids follow us play things so high LOL. After that we went to watch ah gua show. Ah gua on stage was so sexy man!! They wore swimming suit and dance on stage. l cant stand of it. Vincent took us to Tang Shui to rest and drink. We played Aeroplane Games at there. It was almost 9pm. My mum called me back. They continue playing and l went home by myself. Little bit scare coz there was a pub under my unilodge. But thanks God l reached home safely. Feel so tired after having whole day hang out with friends. Thanks God l fully used my weekend with many interesting things =)
Stop here. Good night!
March 16, 2012
SPM Result is coming!!!
Spm result is going to out SOON!! It's next wednesday! Excited? Nervous? Happy or sad? l feel nothing abt it. But seriously, l'm looking forward for the result! l dunno it will be good or bad. l cant go and get my result on that time because l'm now in Melbourne. Aww...When PMR result was out on 2009, l was with Wei Yee and we holded each other's hand tightly and got our result from teacher. We're so excited and yeah! l got 7A in PMR and my mum bought me a new laptop! l love it so much! BTW, 21 March 2012 is the very important date for all 2011 spm students. Good luck to u all! =D
Seriously l am so lonely nowaday. l wish l can get a shoulder for me to rest. l miss Boon badly. He always put off9 when l am on9. He played his games and he thought l dunno he is on9 on that time. Hey! U think that l am very stupid huh? No l m not! l just act nothing on it. Pls dun make me angry although l know l will not angry of it. l tried to maintain our long distance relationship. Pls dun ruin our relationship k? =( Stop here coz my mood is bad now.
When I close my eyes I think of you
And the times we've had been through
Even though we're far apart right now
I remember back when you were here with me
How you've made my world complete
But now I'm left alone
We talked about love and hope
Wishing we could start a life our own
I wish that I could live without you
Why did you tear my heart apart
You said you'd love me from the start
All those painful things you've put me through
But I'm still loving you
I've tried to give my best to you
I don't deserve the things you do
Everything has gone to memories
I just wish I knew the truth behind the lies.
March 14, 2012
hmph hmph!
hmph hmph hmph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
我只能用fb chat找你讲话

March 10, 2012
Church BBQ+Moomba festival
This morning l went to church bbq at Central Garden. l took train from Melb Central to Glenferrie with my cousins. When we reached Swinburne University, we cant found the Bbq place. We missed in Big Uni lol. My cousin Ah Nguong called Penny and she told us the place. Why all Uni were so big one?! We had fun at there. Beside our bbq place there was Swinburne Uni Malaysia Club. It seems that all Uni had their gathering at the same day. RMIT also have it but l didnt go for it. hmmmm... After BBQ we played frisbee! This was the first time l.played it and l dunno how to throw it. l gave up and l rested under the tree. l stood there and chat with other church friends. *KNOCK!* Ouch! l hitted by frisbee == It was not hurt but my tears ran out from my eyes. LOL. Everyone thought l cried but l wasnt! l dunno why my tears ran out from my eyes and everyone was so nervous ==. The food at BBQ was all malaysia food!! Curry, rendang, kuih...WAH!! Long time no eat malaysia food and l ate too much and too full =P Although city have malaysia food restaurant but l didnt try it before. Roti Canai costs $10.80! It's too expensive man!! hmmm...
At night l went to Moomba Festival with my cousin Ah Nguong. Moomba festival was just like Sibu food festival and fun fair. There were many things to play but it was too expensive. l need to save money. $10 per play. l bought a pack of Spanish fries. l forgot to take pic of it. It just like french fries but its size was bigger in size. Yummy!! =P. Moomba festival was so big and its total distance from head to tail was almost the distance from Parkson to Premier Hotel!! It was so huge!!! We finished it in 40 minutes and we decided to go home and come out later to watch fireworks! After we reached home we were too tired and we decided not go to watch fireworks. Maybe we found another day to come out and watch it. Uncle and auntie came back home and they asked us whether we want to go watch it. Finally l decided to follow them to Moomba to watch firecraker! It was so beautiful and it played with tempo. l didnt regret to go out with them. It was too Awesome!! Love it so much =D
March 7, 2012
l have no idea abt my blog title. LOL. Today l have Bio class. Experiment time! hehe...Bio teacher asked us to wear lab coat before start the experiment. After l wore it l found myself look like a doctor! l become more professional! On my lab coat had a name. 'Dr...' XD Before we start the experiment, lab assistant checked whether we wear shoes or not. A korean guy named Joseph (He is CUTE!) forgt to wear shoes. He had been kicked out from class and asked to go out to buy a new shoes before the experiment start. Before the experiment start all of the student looked so excited. Caroline, Josie and me went beside the lab and start camwhore-ing! Evan, we called him as 'da lian ren' coz he's from Da Lian, asked us to help him take a photo too. He was so funny lol. He doesnt know how to pronounce my name. SYDNEY SYDNEY...== Experiment START! At first we drew two line on the . and place it on stage of microscope and used microscope to see whether there is two line on it. Caroline and Josie saw the line! l saw black black thing on it only. == Mission failed. After the experiment teacher gave us a quiz!! WTH! l cant answered it! Quiz failed again. ==
*Lunch time* l went to canteen with my friends. After l put my lunch into the microwave, l tried to find my spoon. OPPS! l didnt bring it!! AHHHH!!! Vincent told me that l can get the spoon from stall in canteen. l asked the cashier to give me one spoon but she asked me to pay 0.20 first. == Unlucky day!! My freezer was not functioning and my fridge was full of water. sienzz ahhhh.
l wish that tomorrow will be better. =(
March 5, 2012
School day!
pheww... This few days quite busy in doing housework and homework. This thursday has pure math test. l have no time to do my housework! l miss my babes and family so much. Live alone is not easy as l think. Everything l need to do by myself. Cooking, cleaning...l dunno how to open my can!! l used up almost 1 day to open my can! My mum kept laughing at me lol. l do my breakfast myself and walk to school everyday. In Sibu, my mum sent me to school by car. After l come here, l need to walk to school in 10 mins and the cold wind hit my face and hand make me shivering all the way to school. The temperature for this few days is 14-19°C like that. In Malaysia is abt 23-29°C everyday. l miss Malaysia weather badly. =(
My school teacher quite funny! My Bio teacher always spelling Bio terms wrongly. It made me so confuse abt the spelling of terms. == My General Math teacher Tracey looks so cute! She likes to tell jokes to us. My Chem and Pure Maths teacher is Rauha. She looks so serious in teaching. She is a good teacher! English teacher is Emily from Hong Kong. Hmmm...l like my Foundation teachers =)
Next week l have 3 days holiday. 2 days camp and 1 day Labour day. l didnt go to the Orientation Camp coz l need to save money to go to church camp. The pastor in charge is from Xin Fu Yuan church in Sibu! Yeapee!!! XD
l makes many new friends in school. Most of them from China. They thought l dunno how to speak chinese. l'm MBC!! (Malaysia Born Chinese) l know how to speak Chinese Malay and English!! MBC ROCK!!
Stop here. Stay tuned for my next post! =D