My mood is ok now. He also tried to find something to talk to me. But l still dunno the truth why he wants to do like this to me. But l really angry of it k? Grrrr... =(
Yesterday l went out with my mum's friend, Yong Hui. l told Uncle Yong Hui that l need a freezer now. So he took me to The Good Guy to look for it. Yeah! l bought one! It costs $270 with 3 years warranty. Yeah! Finally l gt one! l tried to find it for a long time. My fridge was too small and l wish l can buy a fish from grocery =P and he sent me to church.
When l reached my church my cousin sent a sms to me. He said he is not goinv to church today. Oh no! l need to go home by myself? And it finish at 9 something! hmm...Luckily Vincent can fetch me back home by his car. Thanks Vincent =) Yesterday night is. and we played games. We played 'Who is Jolin/Jay' They chose 4 ppl to become Jolin and Jay. So funny Leslie kept saying that he was Wang Li Hong XD. l laughed non-stop coz he was too funny lol. l feel that l am in a big family (CMYF) and everyone at there is my brothers and sisters. So happy that l can join it. I love CMYF always =)
Today was a really busy day. This morning l woke up at 7 and suddenly...'hey? when is my train come?' l forgt!! oh shit!! l need to reach at Glenferrie at 8.30am but l forgt when is the train come! l changed my clothes as fast as l can and l rushed to train station at 7.50am. l reached at train station at 8 am. phewww...train was 8.11am. l saw Penny on train. l took train by myself coz my cousin had his choir practice so he needs to go earlier. This was the first time l take train by myself. When l reached at Glenferrie, hey? where is Penny? l thought she was in the same train with me? l walked out from train station and l cant find the way to swinburne! == Every Sunday l follow my cousin to there and l cant remember the way to go. hmmm...so l simply chose a way. Finally l reached at swinburne on time. ee? Nobody there? Last night they told me they will reached at 8.30am right? l called Sing Shian and she said she just wake up. Finally vam reached at 8.45am. Scare me? LOL.
After church l went to Vic market with Camilia, Wei Ling, Amy and Sing Shian. But we cant find the thing we want. l went home at 2 and start having my rest. *toot* Joyce whatapps me. 'wanna meet up?' 'hmm..ok!' l woke up and prepared myself go out again. We went Vic market and bought some fruits. After that l went to Joyce's house camwhore =))) l left at 5 coz l need to meet Josie Caroline Vincent and Kelvin at Flinder street station.(so busy day). Today was Thai Festival. Wahhhhh!!! Thai food was awesome! l like it so much! coconut pancake!! So delicious!! After that we went to the playground nearby. Playing swing and kids things. Vincent climbed here and there look like a monkey XD. So high playing at there and other kids follow us play things so high LOL. After that we went to watch ah gua show. Ah gua on stage was so sexy man!! They wore swimming suit and dance on stage. l cant stand of it. Vincent took us to Tang Shui to rest and drink. We played Aeroplane Games at there. It was almost 9pm. My mum called me back. They continue playing and l went home by myself. Little bit scare coz there was a pub under my unilodge. But thanks God l reached home safely. Feel so tired after having whole day hang out with friends. Thanks God l fully used my weekend with many interesting things =)
Stop here. Good night!
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